Code documentation


image_ema_project.core.cost_function(p, x, y, f, g, W)

The cost function to minimize in the optimization process. The element-wise difference between the reference image f(x, y) and a tansformed current image g(W(x, y)).

  • p (array of shape (n,)) – The geometric transform parameters to optimize.
  • x (array of shape (w,)) – The x-coordinates of reference image pixel grid.
  • y (array of shape (h,)) – The y-coordinates of reference image pixel grid.
  • f (array of shape (H, W)) – The reference image.
  • g (array of shape (H, W)) – The current image.
  • W (callable) – The geometric transform function with the signature W(x, y, p, g), that evaluates and returns the current image values at transformed coordinates for the parameters p.

Vector of residuals.

Return type:

residual (array of shape (w*h,))

image_ema_project.core.get_displacements(images, point, roi_size)

Calculate displacements of a selected point in the image. Uses the Lucas-Kanade image alignment algorithm for simple translations.

  • images (array of shape (N, h, w)) – Image data array.
  • point (array of shape (2,)) – The position of the point to analyze, [X, Y].
  • roi_size (array of shape (2,)) – The region-of-interest dimensions, [W, H]. The ROI dimensions must be odd numbers!

The image-identified translations [dx, dy]

(in pixels).

Return type:

d (array of shape (2, N))

image_ema_project.core.roi_xy(point, roi_size)

Get grid coordinates of the selected region of interest.

  • point (array of shape (2,)) – The position of the point to analyze, [X, Y].
  • roi_size (array of shape (2,)) – The region-of-interest dimensions, [W, H]. The ROI dimensions must be odd numbers!

The x coordinates of the ROI point grid. y (array of shape (H,)): The y coordinates of the ROI point grid.

Return type:

x (array of shape (W,))

image_ema_project.core.translation(x, y, p, g)

Geometric transform function of simple translation. Interpolates the image g(x, y) using cubic B-splineinterpolation and evaluates its pixel values at g(y+p[1], x+p[0]).

  • x (array of shape (w,)) – The x-coordinates of reference image pixel grid.
  • y (array of shape (h,)) – The y-coordinates of reference image pixel grid.
  • p (array of shape (2,)) – The translation parameters [dx, dy].
  • g (array of shape (H, W)) – The image to be evaluated.

The transformed image.

Return type:

residual (array of shape (h, w))